MLS Places Felipe Hernandez on Administrative Leave Amid Gambling Concerns

Major League Soccer (MLS) has placed Sporting Kansas City midfielder Felipe Hernandez on administrative leave amid suspicions that he may have violated the league’s gambling policies for a second time. This development comes less than three years after Hernandez was previously suspended at the end of the 2021 season for breaching the league’s gambling integrity rules and standards of conduct.

Previous Suspension in 2021

Back in 2021, Hernandez faced a suspension for wagering on two MLS matches, an action that is strictly prohibited by the league. Importantly, neither of these games involved his own team, and there was no evidence suggesting Hernandez used insider knowledge to place his bets or that he affected the integrity of either game in any way. Hernandez took responsibility for his actions by informing the club of his gambling activities in July of that year. Subsequently, he was handed a ban in October 2021, causing him to miss the final few matches of the season. During this turbulent time, Hernandez disclosed that he had undergone treatment for a gambling addiction and expressed concerns for his safety.

Reinstatement and Conditions

Following his suspension, Hernandez was reinstated in January 2022, just in time for the start of the new season. However, his return came with strict conditions: he was required to completely abstain from gambling. Both the league and his club committed to providing Hernandez with the necessary support and counseling to ensure his well-being and recovery. Sporting Kansas City emphasized their commitment to Hernandez’s health, indicating a strong support system for his rehabilitation process.

New Allegations and Current Investigation

Despite his previous reinstatement, Hernandez now faces fresh allegations of breaching gambling policies, prompting an investigation by the league. During this investigative period, Hernandez is prohibited from training or playing for his team. This latest development comes as a significant blow, given that Hernandez had been an active participant, starting in two of the last three matches before his administrative leave was enforced.

Gambling in Sports: A Growing Concern

The issue of gambling among professional athletes is far from unique to Hernandez or MLS. The broader sports world has witnessed similar controversies. MLB, for instance, issued a lifetime ban to San Diego Padres infielder Tucupita Marcano for betting on his team's games. Similarly, in April, Toronto Raptors center Jontay Porter faced a lifetime ban from the NBA for betting on games, with additional allegations involving the use and sharing of confidential information leading to the arrest of four alleged co-conspirators. Soccer, too, has had its share of gambling-related scandals. Brentford striker Ivan Toney received an eight-game ban in May 2023 over betting allegations, and Newcastle midfielder Sandro Tonali was handed a 10-month ban in October 2023 for gambling on Italian league matches while playing in Italy.

Maintaining Integrity in Sports

These cases underscore the ongoing challenges that professional sports leagues face in maintaining integrity. Strict regulations against gambling are essential for preventing conflicts of interest and ensuring the fairness and integrity of sports competitions. The current investigation into Hernandez's actions will be crucial in determining his future in MLS. The league and his club are closely monitoring the situation as it unfolds, emphasizing the importance of upholding integrity and fair play within the sport.


Felipe Hernandez's case serves as a stark reminder of the severe consequences athletes face for breaching gambling policies. The outcomes of such cases not only impact the individuals involved but also serve as precedents and warnings for other athletes. As the sports world continues to strive for transparency, fairness, and integrity, all stakeholders are keenly observing how leagues manage these critical issues. Maintaining a steadfast commitment to ethical conduct remains a top priority for professional sports organizations globally.