Marquette King's Unyielding Quest for an NFL Return

Marquette King's Unyielding Quest for an NFL Return

Marquette King is on a mission. At 35 years old, the former NFL punter is determined to reclaim his spot in one of the most competitive football leagues in the world. With a storied past that includes leading the NFL in punting yards and standing out in alternative leagues, King believes he has what it takes to return to the gridiron.

Early NFL Career and Achievements

King’s journey in the NFL began in 2012 when he signed with the Oakland Raiders. Over the next five seasons, he became a cornerstone of their special teams. A standout moment came in 2014 when he led the league in punting yards, a testament to his skill and consistency. King's ability to deliver when it mattered most was further highlighted by his career-long 72-yard punt. In total, he played 84 games for the Raiders, amassing 446 punts for 20,822 yards and placing 163 kicks inside the 20-yard line.

However, his time with the Raiders came to an end in 2017. The following year, he signed a lucrative three-year, $7 million contract with the Denver Broncos. Unfortunately, his tenure with the Broncos was cut short when a thigh injury placed him on injured reserve in October 2018. This injury led to his release from the team, marking an abrupt halt to his NFL career at that time.

Rebuilding in the UFL and XFL

King’s resilience shone through as he transitioned to alternative football leagues. He found success in the United Football League (UFL) with the Arlington Renegades, where he was named the All-UFL punter. Though the UFL did not offer him a pathway back to the NFL following its inaugural season, King continued to excel, demonstrating his exceptional abilities in a league where punting is particularly challenging.

Undeterred, King moved on to the XFL, where he continued to dominate. In 2020, he led the league in punting yards. More recently, in 2023, he became an XFL champion, solidifying his reputation as one of the best punters outside the NFL.

Unwavering Determination

Despite the hurdles, King’s confidence remains unshaken. He recently shared a video on social media showcasing one of his punts, a move that can be seen as a message to NFL teams. "You can't tell me that there are 32 punters better than me. All-UFL Punter in a league where punting isn't easy at all! I'm manifesting a call from an NFL team again soon," King declared, underscoring his belief that he still belongs in the NFL.

Looking to 2024

With the upcoming NFL season on the horizon, King is aiming for 2024 to be the year he makes his return. As training camps open and teams assess their rosters, King remains optimistic that his phone will ring with an opportunity to once again prove his worth on the NFL stage.

Marquette King’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and dedication. With a past filled with remarkable achievements and a present marked by unwavering determination, his quest to return to the NFL is one of the most compelling stories in sports today.